Published submissions
From 11 October 2024 to 14 November 2024, the Director of National Parks sought public comment on a draft South-east Marine Parks Network Management Plan. A total of 18,400 campaign submissions and 90 unique submissions were received. Six of the unique submissions were received outside of the outside the specified address and/or timeframe and are identified as '(late)' below.
Submissions which agreed to be published are provided below, including campaign text from 18,400 campaign submissions from ‘Australian Marine Conservation Society’, ‘Save Our Marine Life’, ‘Environment Tasmania’, and ‘International Fund for Animal Welfare’. These campaign submissions provided generally the same or similar comments.
Respondent name
Angela Boxall
Asta Audzijonyte
Australasian Seabird Group
Australian Energy Producers
Australian Marine Sciences Association
Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association
Biodiversity Council
BirdLife Australia
Bob Brown Foundation
Bunganditj Meintangk Irene Watson
Campaign text - Australian Marine Conservation Society
Campaign text - International Fund for Animal Welfare
Campaign text - Save Our Marine Life
Conservation Council of SA
Dr Dean Miller
Dr Ian Cresswell
East Coast Cruises
Environmental Defenders Office
Environment Tasmania
Friends of the Bays
Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Late)
GBR Legacy
Gerard Castles
Great Southern Reef Foundation
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