The Community Engagement Review – Renewable Energy Developer Rating Scheme project proponent registration of interest process
The Australian Government is committed to improving community engagement on renewable energy infrastructure developments and transmission projects.
The Community Engagement Review (the Review), was conducted by Mr Andrew Dyer, the former Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner (AEIC) and advised on improving community engagement on renewable energy infrastructure developments.
The Review report was released in February 2024 and made 9 recommendations. The government agreed or agreed in principle with the recommendations. The full recommendations can be found here.
The Renewable Energy Developer Rating Scheme
In response to Recommendation 1 of the Review, we are working to appoint a qualified and experienced independent body to design, develop, implement and operate a developer rating scheme (Scheme design and delivery partner). We are also working with a range of key stakeholders including landholders, representatives of renewable energy businesses and transmission companies, peak bodies, and community and consumer groups.
The Scheme is expected to provide transparent, periodic assessments of renewable energy and transmission businesses performance, track record, and capability, including their community engagement capability as assessed via objective measures.
DCCEEW is seeking registrations of interest from proponents of renewable energy developments to participate in the scheme, and its design and testing through a Renewable Energy Businesses Participation Panel. The Renewable Energy Businesses Participation Panel will be open to up to ten members. Members must identify as a renewable energy developer or a transmission company.
The Renewable Energy Businesses Participation Panel will work along-side other key stakeholder groups that will be providing advice on the design of the scheme such as a Landholder and Community Lived Experience Panel established last year by DCCEEW with the support of the Energy Charter, and a Stakeholder Reference Group. The current Stakeholder Reference Group members are:
Australian Local Government Association
National Farmers’ Federation
Farmers for Climate Action
Clean Energy Council
The Energy Charter
Energy Networks Australia
Australian Council of Trades Union
Clean Energy Finance Corporation (observer)
Clean Energy Investor Group
Natural Resource Management
First Nations Clean Energy and Emissions Reduction Advisory Committee
World Wildlife Fund
Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner (observer)
Information about the Landholder and Community Lived Experience Panel being facilitated by the Energy Charter can be found here.
Fact sheet
A fact sheet that provides additional information about the developer rating scheme and the RoI process, and the key requirements for participation in the RoI is avaible below: