This consultation has closed. Thank you to everyone who provided submissions. We received a range of submissions and published those which can be made public on the Published Responses page.
We are conducting a review into carbon leakage risks in Australia. Carbon leakage refers to shifts in production from countries with more ambitious emissions reduction policies to those with lower (or no) emissions reduction policies solely because of different policy settings.
Through this public consultation process, we are seeking the Australian community’s feedback on our:
proposed approach to assessing carbon leakage risk and
initial consideration of policy options to address that risk.
Your feedback will help to inform our approach to understanding carbon leakage risk. Your feedback will also inform consideration of policy options as part of our second consultation in 2024.
We hosted a webinar on the 22 November 2023: you can view the webinar recording or the slides [PDF 1.44MB].
To have your say:
read the consultation paper;
take the survey now, or you can upload a written submission at the end of the survey;
submit your feedback by Tuesday 12 December 2023.