We are consulting on proposed updates to the Climate Active program to help shape its future direction in the context of a changing landscape for credible voluntary climate action.
The consultation paper sets out proposals to:
raise the level of climate ambition and action to get certified
better integrate Climate Active with other government climate objectives
modernise the program’s operation.
We welcome your views on the proposed updates outlined in the consultation paper.
To have your say:
Read the consultation paper
Upload a submission via this portal
We encourage all submissions to answer each question asked in the consultation paper
Where you are answering specific questions, please ensure that you number your comment corresponding to the proposal reference number.
Your submission may also provide any other relevant comments.
All documents should be provided in a .docx or .PDF format. Submissions should be no longer than 6 pages
Submit your feedback by Friday 15 December 5pm (AEDT).
Your feedback will help ensure the Climate Active program continues to be well-placed to support credible, high integrity voluntary climate action.